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How to open a ticket
Brigitta Pajer avatar
Written by Brigitta Pajer
Updated over 3 months ago

If you want to open a ticket, click on the little message icon at the bottom right corner of the page.

In which Guild are you experiencing the issue?

It is essential to know where we should investigate the issue.

Which roles are affected in the Guild?

Based on the role, we can check the requirements, your access and if you fulfill them or not. Also we can see if there is any issue with the system itself.

Please describe your issue in detail, includeing the steps you’ve taken, and any error message you've received for better support.

The more information you provide, the quicker we can start to investigate the issue. If we are going back and forth because we need to collect more and more information, that will elongate the process.

At the moment we do not have the capacity to reply to tickets where there is ZERO information provided. Currently, we can only provide English-speaking member support, thank you for your understanding!

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